Mission and Vision


The mission and vision below outline the approach Linda will bring to the city council to grow and strengthen Apple Valley.  Linda acknowledges that while Apple Valley is a great place to live, it is not yet great for everyone.  Her intention is to make the city of Apple Valley a great place for everyone.

Mission: Linda’s mission is to be a community building representative of Apple Valley on the City Council

Vision:  Apple Valley residents/businesses feel welcomed and included in the development of plans that impact the future direction of the city.

City Councils – Should speak for YOU

The City Councils should reflect the voice of the city.  They make or enact laws (legislate) and develop procedures (policies) for city government functioning.

The city of Apple Valley is formed as a statutory city (meaning as a city we operate under the city statutory code). 

As a member of the Apple Valley City Council, Linda will seek to implement a community engagement model that informs YOU and leads to opportunities for real involvement.

Authentic Community Engagement  1) Launch an inclusive community engagement model/format that empowers and allows for regular, open review and input regarding city plans
2) Hold regular community conversations on a range of topics of importance to the people who live and work in the community
3) Hold regular community conversations that lead to learning, real input and action steps created together.  
Community and Economic DevelopmentResidents
1) Identifying ways to enhance existing cultural programs through partnerships with the key community and cultural leaders
2) Work with key stakeholder groups in the community to identify ways to increase employment opportunities that pay a real livable wage

1) Ensure our community and economic development is grounded in equity, livability, sustainability, local community knowledge, and diverse economic offerings
2) Increasing our cultural business community working with the Center for Economic Inclusion as a partner to attract top cultural businesses  
Continuous Review of Service Delivery and Program Improvement  Work with the City Manager to:
1) Evaluate the effectiveness of our service delivery
2) Identify wasteful spending and develop action plans for the services that need improvement
3) Prioritize programs and services that would benefit from implementing a continuous process improvement methodology, providing data and consumer insights for review
3) Ensure the City Council is using data and consumer insights during the budgeting process
4) Focus on evaluating for continuous improvement these departments: Administration, Human Resources, Community Development/Planning and Police.  
Housing Affordability and Stability  1) Work with developers to ensure we are aligned with the Metropolitan Council recommendations for 75% affordable homeownership and 25% affordable rental units
2) Ensure homes and rentals do not price out individual affordability (keep housing to be no more than 20-25% of income).
3) Increase neighborhood stabilization by proactively working with homeowners and rental units to address properties at-risk of abandonment and foreclosure
4) Address our aging housing stock through programs and partnerships that revitalize areas, while ensuring homes remain with the owners and continue to be affordable  
Racial Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights  1) Ensure that we have Administrative Departments that align with the State of Minnesota Human Rights mandate, and if necessary, create a separate Human Rights Department
2) Ensure that our hiring policies and practices are free from biases of any kind
3) Ensure there is a culture within each department that is both welcoming and supportive of communities of color
4) Ensure we actively seek diversity of lived experience in leadership/management positions
5) Ensure we actively seek racial/ethnic diversity on our committees and commissions  
Transparent Reporting within Community Facing Departments  1) Collect and disaggregate by race data on arrests, charging, convictions, and sentencing, to identify potential disparities, and share this information with the community
2) Collect and share information on community facing departments to increase transparency, including the bidding and contracting process for city services
3) Work with local respected community leaders to hold Community Conversations on Race, Homelessness, Livability, Jobs, Safety and other topics to understand issues affecting the community and identify solutions together  
Response to COVID-19We need, no we MUST, do more in responding to the impact of COVID-19 on the city.
1) Develop partnerships with the Foundation community to expand financial resources to individuals and families experiencing job loss due to COVID-19
2) Implement a consumer grants programs to use COVID-19 funds to prevent homelessness (evictions, foreclosures), and provide direct emergency financial assistance to individuals and families (utility payments, food insecurity)
3) Improve the process of getting funds to businesses impacted by COVID-19, removing any barriers to accessing these funds, especially for small businesses
Approach to the Vision

A message from Linda

An important quality of a thriving city is that it builds its future through authentic, regular engagement with its residents.  My desire is to ensure everyone feels they are seen or heard, especially during our city planning process. 

Change is happening within our city, and we need to embrace and prepare for it. We need someone with strong leadership experience and an inclusive actionable vision to lead us through this change.

Sometimes the thought of change challenges us, because it makes us look deep inside.  But change can be wonderful.  Change can bring about possibilities we may have never imagined.

It takes a strong, visionary leader to ensure that change is one that unifies and strengthens.

By the year 2040, “40% of the (regions) population will be people of color, compared to 24% in 2010. This growing racial and ethnic diversity will add to the region’s economic vitality.  Yet, “Significant racial disparities—in income, employment, poverty, home ownership, education—persist just as our region is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse.” ~Metropolitan Council Thrive MSP 2040 Regional Plan

It is difficult to embrace or prepare for change when your lived experience is limited.  We need leadership at the city council level that includes not only strong business experience, but also a diversity of lived experience to lead the Council in the development of inclusive strategic plans.

I want everyone, all residents and business owners in Apple Valley, to see themselves in my vision and approach. I hope you see my vision as one that is inclusive of each and every one of you.

In order to enact this vision, I need to be in a position of leadership on the city council.  And that is where each of you are involved.  

Please help me make this vision that embraces and includes each of you, a reality by voting for me on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Thank you!

— Linda GJ
